Appalachian Agency Center for Senior Citizens
Request of Sealed Bids Packets
for Mount Rogers PACE Center– Bristol, Virginia

Appalachian Agency Center for Senior Citizens (“AASC”) will accept sealed bids for Mount Rogers PACE Center (“Project”) located in Bristol, Virginia. Sealed bid packets shall be delivered to the attention of and shall be received by Owner – Brian Beck, CEO, until 2:00 P.M., local prevailing time, on Friday, June 28, 2024 at AASC’s office located at 216 College Ridge Road, Cedar Bluff, Virginia 24609 [CARRIER DELIVERY – UPS, FED EX, ETC.], P.O. Box 765 [USPS] Cedar Bluff, Virginia 24609, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. No facsimile bids will be accepted.